Finding My Forever Pace

By guest writer Devan Jordan, October 2023 tour participant

Athara Adventures’ client and friend, Devan Jordan, shared their reflections while preparing for the Sentier de Cathar, a long-distance hiking route.

Photo taken by Devan Jordan

Thinking about and planning for hiking in October has been about more than just creating a physical training plan. I know from experience that preparing for a long hiking trip like this is about physical strength, but also mental and emotional strength too. 

I had originally planned to join a hiking trip in May. But I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis in March, which meant I needed some weeks of physical therapy and some additional time to heal. Initially, this felt like a setback, but really it has been an opportunity to learn more about my body and its specific physicality.

From my physical therapy, I’m learning about balance and ankle strength issues that I have. Those are things that I should absolutely address and improve before getting into a training program of regular hiking. With the additional time to train, plan, and work up to my correct physical level for this hike, I have the ability to create a more holistic training plan.

If I had done what I initially wanted – barge head with a May hiking trip as planned – I likely would have injured myself worse, either on the trail here in Pennsylvania or worse on the trail in France. Instead, I understand that patience is its own kind of strength. And giving myself the extra time to help my body heal will make me stronger physically in the long run.

I’m slowly putting my strength training plan together, starting my physical activity that my body is already accustomed to. My preferred kind of physical activity is lifting weights and doing functional movement training at a gym. Getting back into a regular training routine has been really important to me as I start my training process.

But hiking day after day is about more than just strength. There is the physical stamina of being active for that many hours, but there is the mental aspect as well. I will also need to train my mindset to know that I can’t quit halfway through a hiking day. I might be tired, or feel a bit sick or sore, but I still need to push through to get to the next town (and sleeping accommodation!). Planning for that mental stamina is also important, alongside of my physicality.

Ultimately, I’m thinking about all this training and preparation in order to have an exciting and enjoyable experience. If I plan well now, stick to my training, pack appropriately, and give myself enough time to be prepared, then I know I’ll be strong enough in all aspects to have a wonderful hike through the Pyrenees.

Join our Sentier de Cathar hiking tour to experience the beauty and challenge of the French Pyrenees mountains and learn the rich and important history of the trails and their people. It traverses rugged landscapes from east to west, following the historical routes once used by the Cathars. This tour is accessible to avid day or section hikers interested in a new challenge. Book your tour here.


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