Gear Up for the Trails: The Ultimate Mountain Biking Packing Guide

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” - Albert Einstein 

As the sun peeks over the mountain tops and the trails call your name, there’s nothing more exciting than gearing up for a mountain biking adventure. But as any seasoned rider knows, the key to a successful ride is preparation—starting with what you pack.

Below is a packing list we have carefully crafted for you. Our goal is to help you get the most out of your experience, so we have tested the gear and found what best suits the weather and terrain with which we are familiar. All you have to do is pack it all together!

The Essentials: Riding with Comfort and Safety

Your journey begins with the right footwear. Flat pedal shoes are your trusty steeds, providing the grip and comfort needed for those long rides. As Outdoor Gear Lab suggests, make sure they’re worn in before you arrive.

Next, consider your socks—three pairs of wool or synthetic mountain bike socks will keep your feet dry and cushioned against the rugged terrain.

Protection is paramount, so remember a set of knee and elbow pads. We’re fans of the G-form pro X-3 pads for their blend of comfort and safety, but choose what molds to your body best.

Chamois and Shorts: Your Second Skin

For the lower half, 2-3 chamois (padded bike shorts) are essential. They’re your secret weapon against discomfort, and with proper care, they can be worn multiple times between washes.

Pair them with two pairs of mountain bike shorts that allow full freedom of movement. Consult Outdoor Gear Lab for the top picks, and remember, the best fit might come from unexpected places—sometimes the men’s cut is the way to go.

The Upper Half: Shirts and Optional Underwear

Your upper body will thank you for 2-3 mountain bike t-shirts (or lightweight long-sleeved shirts) that breathe and move with you. And while underwear is optional under your chamois, if you choose to wear it, stick to synthetic or wool.

Accessories: The Finishing Touches

Don’t overlook the importance of a bike helmet for safety, sunglasses for protection, and biking gloves for grip. Whether you prefer fingerless or full-fingered, it’s your call.

Carry your essentials in a biking backpack or hip pack. Brands like Evoc and Dakine offer excellent options that are both comfortable and durable. Remember, 5 to 10 liters is plenty, but it must fit all your ride necessities.

Layers: Preparing for Mountain Weather

The mountains are fickle, and weather can change in an instant. Be prepared with a rain/wind layer and an insulation layer. has some great waterproof options that are perfect for biking.

And for those chilly days, tights or pants can be worn with or without your bike shorts, providing that extra layer of warmth.

Extras: The Little Things That Make a Big Difference

Consider packing a baseball cap or sun hat for those sunny trail stops, and don’t forget your trail snacks—bars, nuts, and dried fruit are great energy boosters.

A personal first aid kit and a small amount of duct tape can be lifesavers on the trail. And for those multi-purpose needs, a Swiss Army knife is always handy.

Packing Smart: Tips for the Trail

Avoid cotton at all costs—it’s a moisture magnet. Stick to moisture-wicking layers for comfort and warmth. And remember our luggage requirements when choosing your suitcase.

Final Thoughts

This list is your starting point. Customize it to your needs, check out our “Know Your Gear” blog for more insights, and if you have any questions, reach out to us at Now, gear up and get ready to ride the trails!


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