Trailblazer’s Toast

Event Schedule

6 PM - Arrive at Soter Technologies

Enjoy wine and snacks from the Occitanie region of France.

6:30 PM - Tour the Pyrenees with Anna Berez

Learn how Athara Adventures is unlike any other tour company, creating opportunities to explore the mountains authentically.

6:45 PM - Mix and Mingle

Increase your chances of winning one of the fun door prizes by adding your name to the mailing list either during RSVP or at the event.

7:00 PM - Door Prize Give Away

The winners of the door prizes will be announced.

Join co-founder Anna Berez on April 18, 2024, for an evening of food, wine, and giveaways as she discusses how Athara Adventures escorted hiking and trail e-biking tours of varied levels are designed to provide opportunities to explore the freedom of the mountains, create lasting memories, and rejuvenate themselves.

Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone!


Finding Inspiration: Exploring the World of Artisans and Small Businesses 


Crafting Your Perfect Adventure: Unveiling Athara Adventures' Private Tours